The food you crave: Understanding food cravings and overcoming them
It's 8pm. You've eaten dinner, and just turned on the TV to watch your favorite show, when it hits you. You MUST have chips! You try to ignore it for 30 minutes or so, but the salty, light-crisp-crunch-of-a-snack is calling you by name. The only problem is you've committed to a new weight loss program, and no food craving is going to stop you from reaching your goal this time. Not chips, not chocolate, not ice cream, nothing; and you do well for the first two weeks.
Ultimately, in a fit of annoyance from the persistence of the craving, you give in.
You have this thing under control, though. You'll buy a bag of chips, only eat the serving size, and then everything will be fine. The craving will be gone and your diet won't be ruined. Until....
You power through the serving size and rationalize another. I mean, you worked out today, and you've done really well on this new program. A few...