Weight Loss Tips (the Mini Series): Benefits of Drinking Water

No matter what your dreams are, goal setting is absolutely the first step you need to take towards reaching it. For my food journey, this meant setting a realistic weight loss goal. I was also interested in disease prevention. I already had an ailment, and certainly didn't want to pile on any more. Now it was time to take action towards obtaining those goals. Food Journey: Part II After setting my goals, I did something you've probably heard of before: I started drinking water. As most folks know, I already drank a ton of water. Now, I was drinking it differently. I'd heard several times that drinking water could lead to significant weight loss. So I did a little research and integrated it into my food journey. Along the way I discovered the benefits of drinking water. Taste the Benefits I am a strong believer that if you don't like the way something tastes naturally, you shouldn't cover it in condiments to make it taste...
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