Vegan Roasted Eggplant

One of my fondest memories from growing up is my grandmother frying eggplant on Sunday evenings. There never seemed to be a ton of eggplant around, so when we had it was deliciously exciting. We'd all gather in the kitchen, watching Nanny slice, bread, and fry the purple nightshade as if she was performing some kind of miracle. Then, before the thing even had a chance to find it's way to a plate, we'd devour it; no doubt burning the rooves of our mouths in the process. So now as an adult, who often finds herself with a garden full of eggplant, I try my best not to fry all of it. Thus, today's recipe. In an attempt to reduce food waste, and to expand my toolkit of eggplant recipes, I came up with this simple dish. It is quick and easy to prepare. Plus, it's perfect for your vegetarian and vegan friends, which I seem to be getting more and more of.   Try it...
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