Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Name *FirstLastEmail *Phone Number *Organization Name *Organization Type *Public SchoolPrivate SchoolPTA/PTOBooster for School/Band/AthleticsSchool Sports TeamFraternitySororityCollege/UniveristyCollege/University ClubHumane Society/Animal AdvocacyEnvironmental AdvocacyHealth AdvocacyReligious InstitutionAddress *City *State *Zipcode *Select a preferred month to host your fundraiser. *MarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovember*Fundraisers can only be scheduled FOUR weeks in advance.Select a preferred weekday to host your fundraiser. *WednesdayThursdayFridaySaturdayBriefly tell us about your organization and how the funds will be used. *Please provide an estimated number of supporters your organization will bring to the fundraiser. *Checkboxes *I understand this is only an initial request and does not guarantee my fundraiser will be approved. If accepted I will be required to provide federal tax ID (and possibly a W-9) for the organization. I will not promote the fundraiser until official flyers have been received with an approval email from FoodiO.I understand that if my organization does not bring in at least $100 ($10 - $15 donation) in fundraiser sales on the night of the fundraiser that we will not be eligible to receive 10 - 15% of the sales from our supporters. *EmailSubmit